Sunday, February 20, 2011

The day arrived !!!!!! :)

Hi All,

The title to my first post is just because i have been procrastinating this blog since 3 months,i guess......when a  friend started hers,introducing me to this amazing world of putting your thoughts via your keypad n screen to the world. Not that i never read one but ya,never thought even i can put thoughts to words ........:)n am finally doing it !!!! Takes me back to my childhood when i was intoduced by some teacher to the idea of penning down thoughts in a diary!! The idea caught my interest and the diary became a reflection of thoughts,moments captured through words..........the blog would be an extension to the same....ideas, thoughts, views,sometimes those odd moments of lots of cribbing and sometimes those moments of happiness that knows no bounds........would love to scribble about everything. Since I am a starter,would welcome criticism and suggestions from all those who would spend time reading my thoughts.........
Hey, did not mention the friend's name who has put this thought in my mind........Anjie:))Thanks to you,atlast the lazed out time comes to an end......

Last but not the least, wishing myself Happy Blogging !!!! :)


  1. Welcome to the bful world of blogging sweetie!!!
    I m sure u ll get addicted to it d way i got....

  2. hey anu gr8 job......enjoy d new experience :)

  3. Hey grt yar....hope to see some good "Glimpses and Glances" here......
